12 Icons of Horror


1- Religious symbols; Religion lays with the ideas of life and death, man playing god, trying to fight inner demons, the binary opposite of good vs evil. Revolts a lot around Christianity and using iconic symbols and services being performed on the victim to get rid of their inner demons. 

2- Symbols of Death; The theme of death and suing symbols such as Coffins, Gravestones, Angels of Death etc. This is done to portray a later death within the film or the haunting after death.

3- Light; has a lot of different symbolic meanings, such as hope, the thought of escape, and sometimes even death. Sunlight usually means a comforting zone, Candles and flashlights are a common source of horror. The idea of light only being able to cast so far, and then being surrounded with darkness. 

4- Colours; Films tend to use colours to help symbolize certain symbolic themes and the idea of good vs evil. Red is used to portray the idea of blood and evil. Black is used to be associated with death and also evil. 

5- Weapons; Weapons play a huge part in movies and the aggressor choice of weapon usually shows the idea of how much pain he want to inflict on his victims. Weapons can range from chainsaws to spears to knives. This always have a phallic symbolism and the idea that masculine power is overwhelming and that women cant fight it. 

6- Doors and Windows; The doors and windows have many symbolic themes, one speculating aroudnt the idea of doors being a hope of opportunity, the chance to escape or potentially be trapped and then fear the worse, Windows have a symbolic idea of that individual being limited to the outside world because they are just looking outside the window at the rest of the world enjoying.

7- Tunnels and Corridors; These are used in a lot of films and they have a yonic symbolism behind them, the idea they could lead to either freedom, death or becoming alive in another form.

8- Keys and Locks; these usually have a general themes on the idea of secrecy and confidentiality but also the idea of confidement and sometimes fear of safety, especially when hiding inside.

9- Dolls;  they usually revolve around the idea of children and happiness and the innocence but however, the dolls are then made to look in a certain way e. Broken eye, enlarged head, or havin a broken face, to portay the idea of eerie and that infact it is not able to control what happens to it.

10- Masks; Its main purpose to hide the identity of the killer, creating the themes if the unknown and their face is always hidden but it also connates the struggle of the individual inside battle of themselves and the mask is a way of creating and hiding their current identity and becoming someone completely know and they can create and inflict pain onto other without being known to the victims.

11- Mirrors; Mirrors generally revolves around the theme of either multiple characters which one the mirror can reflect or multiple personalities within an individual. Broken mirrors connate the idea of people lives bein unfixable and always breaking and fragile.
